The Blue Whale is the largest unique animal ever in the planet, with up to 105 ft. long and weight up to 200 tons as big as the “role of procurement in an organization”. Their habitat is oceans worldwide similar to the existence of procurement department in all organization.
Procurement & Logistics exists to explore the supply of market opportunities and to implement resourcing strategies that deliver the best possible supply outcome to the organization.
The procurement management consultant oversees the establishment of procurement standards, work with accounts payable to ensure procurement standard integration and efficient payment, and serve on procurement teams making procurement decisions when there are multiple competitive bids.
Our practitioners and professionals help our clients to covers the complete range of events from the identification of a need for a goods and services through to its disposal or cessation, in the pre-contract activities such as planning, needs identification and analysis, sourcing, post-contract activities such as contract management, supply chain management and disposal, and general activities such as governance, supplier relationship management, risk management and regulatory compliance.
We deliver a range of benefits, not only to reduce costs and to ensure supply, but also to support strategic organizational objectives such as, security of supply, lower costs, reduced risk, improved quality, greater added value, increased efficiency and innovation, optimize external spend, procurement operations and other value contributions in a manner that supports the overall organization agenda.
Our approach uses proprietary spend and savings benchmarks, category expertise spend drivers, and robust analytics. We build and manage high-performance procurement teams to rapidly achieve more efficient, more effective operations, with greater strategic reach and increased business impact.