This is dummy This cover provides monetary payments in the event of bodily injury sustained by an insured person. The injury must be caused solely and directly by an “accident” and must result in physical impairment or disablement or death this is dummy.
This is a cover for group of staff working in organizations. If at any time during any period of insurance, the insured shall sustain any bodily injury caused by accidental external and visible means, which injury shall solely and independently of any other cause result in his death, or permanent total disablement as defined in the schedule, the company will pay to the insured or in the event of his death to his legal personal representative, the compensation stated in the schedule of cover.
The insurer pays for total disablement as per continental scale of benefit for :
Continental scale benefits
- Life
- Both hands
- Both feet
- Sight of both eyes
- One hand and one foot
- One hand and sight of one eye
- One foot and sight of one eye
- One hand
- One foot
- Sight of one eyes Underwriting
- Intentional self injury, suicide or attempted suicide whether felonious or not
- War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, mutiny, rebellion, insurrection, strike, riot, etc.,
- Sickness, HIV/AIDS
- Influence of, or being affected by intoxication, liquor or drugs.
- Engagement in unlawful acts
- Racing, Polo, Winter Sports, Professional Football, Mountaineering, Steeple Chasing, etc.,
- Engaged in flying or air travel, crew of ships, except as fare paying passengers.
Rating in most instances varies depending on the occupation of the employees and the sums insured. Different occupations attract different premiums please ask for a quote once details above are available.
Our Engineering Insurance solution provides cover for a range of products which can meet demands for major projects in Construction, infrastructure, Mining, Power Generation and Specialty Risks in Oil and Gas. These Include
- Contractors All Risks (CAR)
- Erection All Risks (EAR)
- Comprehensive Machinery Breakdown
- Electronic Equipment
- Advance loss of profit and financial losses due to delay in start up
Requirements for Cover
- Fully filled proposal form
- Schedule of the equipment’s covered
- Breakdown of sum’s insured
- Physical location of the risk
- Basis of Valuation