What medical plans are available for individuals?
Our medical plans tailored for your various needs are:
- Gold Card
- Silver Card
- Bronze Card
- CoverMe
- Rescue
- Outpatient covers
What should I consider when choosing a health plan that suits my needs?
Cover benefits, convenience, affordability, customer service and value-added benefits are some of the things to consider before signing on the dotted line. AAR plans are your best bet because we offer customized products with comprehensive benefits and rewards. Choosing AAR will guarantee you:
- Comprehensive benefits, including coverage of chronic illnesses
- Regional and international rescue, evacuation, illness hospitalization and accident cover
- Worldwide network of hospitals, medical professionals, pharmacies, clinics and regional AAR health centres from which you can conveniently access healthcareValue add benefits such as loyalty programs, ‘no claims’ discounts, cash back for long term membership, health promotions, access to health materials etc Excellent round-the-clock customer service through our contact centre, nurse line and live chats that assures you of personalized service
How much will it cost me to get covered?
Though the cost of medical insurance is still prohibitive in the region, we will provide you with affordable and quality healthcare. Our plans are accommodative and tailored to meet the needs of a wide variety of customers. Though premiums are dependent on age, benefit choice, risk profile, etc, we have plans that cost as low as a third of a dollar per day
Can I get maternity cover if I join while pregnant?
Yes you can. Our maternity covers have a waiting period of 10 months from cover/benefit commencement date. For corporate members, the waiting period can be waived based on the size (number of employees on the scheme) of the corporate.
Can I get an outpatient without inpatient cover?
Our corporate clients can opt for stand-alone FUND outpatient plans (commonly known as Third Party Administration). Individuals can access outpatient services on a fee-for-service basis.
Can I have a short term plan that is less than three months?
Since your health is our priority, we have customized plans to suit your needs. The minimum short term cover you can apply for is one month.
Is it possible to pay my premium in installments?
Our flexible and friendly payment plans makes it possible to settle your premiums in installments through AAR Credit Services and bank IPFs (Financing through your bank)
Can I make payment by credit card?
Payments can be made by credit cards at any of our payment points in our offices. We accept all major credit cards
What hospitals, clinics, specialists and pharmacies are recommended by AAR?
We work closely with a wide network of providers in the region. We recommend our preferred providers within the region. The list of providers is available to all our members.
What should I do to expedite settlement of my claims?
To avoid any inconvenience and in order to speed up the processing of your claims, you will be required to avail the following at our customer service desk:
- A comprehensive medical report from the attending doctor
- Original invoices
- Original payment receipts
- Cover letter from yourself explaining what necessitated the need to seek services outside our network of clinics and preferred providers.
Our company has branches all over Africa. Is it possible to cover all our employees from our head office?
Yes, this is possible. We have varied products that suit our clientele base and are currently present in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Our products are your guarantee to timely healthcare services within this region and the world.
Can I take a medical cover for my newborn baby?
Yes, we also cover infants from birth after discharge from hospital.
I live and work overseas, but would like to cover my family back home. How can I do this?
You can take up cover for your family members back at home if they are based within the East Africa region. You simply complete a membership application form (available online and in our branches).
Attach passport size photograph, copy of the Identity Card/Passport, and a medical report (where applicable).Soft copies are also acceptable. The main member for the family should be 18 years or older to enter into contract as the policyholder.
How soon can I expect results of my medical examination tests?
The medical results are dependent on the tests done and can vary from one day to seven days.
Must I be a resident or citizen of a country AAR has offices in to be a member?
Yes. You will have to be a resident, not necessarily a citizen, of one of the countries in which we have offices to qualify for membership.
How can I upgrade my cover?
Yes. On renewal of your policy, you can upgrade your health plan and this will require a medical evaluation prior to acceptance.
Can I be refunded if I cancel my membership before my contract lapses?
Refunds can be considered in the case of individuals cancelling their membership within 30 days of the policy. Otherwise, members withdrawing from the policy will not be liable to refund for premiums, including monies that may have been paid in advance for the current benefit year.
What is a pre-existing condition?
A pre-existing condition is a medical condition which you knew or ought reasonably to have known and can be medically proven you had prior to becoming a member or renewing a policy and which has been inferred either prior to membership, renewal or subsequently to have existed.
To what extent are pre-existing conditions covered?
Pre-existing conditions are covered to sub limits as described in the product schedule. The highest limit is 1 million and lowest is kes 100,000. For corporate members, the limit is pre-agreed depending on the needs. To qualify, the condition has to be declared during membership application.
Is it advisable to take another cover if my partner’s insurance already covers my family?
If at a time of a claim, there is another policy or health plan of insurance, including any reciprocal health agreements, national health programs or any other state or employers’ cover issued under the policy, liability will be limited to the ratable portion of the claim i.e. all insurers will share in payment of the claim.
Will I pay higher premium on renewal of my cover?
Individual members are entitled to a 'No Claim' discount if there was no claim on the previous membership year. However, our premiums are age-banded and therefore, premiums will increase if a member moves from one age band to the other.
Is it possible to pay my premium in installments?
Cosmetic procedures, including but not limited to face lifts, revision of scars or such other procedures that a medical adviser deems cosmetic are an exclusion from the medical insurance.
Will AAR pay for my routine checkups?
Routine checkups will be at your cost and can be done at any hospital in our panel of providers. However, medical checkups that will be paid by AAR will be notified to you in writing.
Why do I need to make payments at some hospitals even though I have both outpatient and inpatient cover?
The reasons for making payments at some hospitals include, but not limited to, the following:
- Visiting a provider without an AAR referral note where one is required.
- The condition being attended to may not be provided for under the AAR medical scheme.
- Visiting a hospital that is not in our panel of providers.
- When you have exhausted your benefit limits.
- A visit fee or copayment may be applicable on your cover
What should I do if I have a complaint?
Channel complaints to customer service team through;
- Email: info@aar-insurance.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">
- Telephone number: + 254-20-2895000.
- Chat service for direct online communication - log onto our website: www.aar-insurance.com
Can I visit a clinic or hospital in other countries?
Treatment outside the East African region require pre-authorization. Notify us whenever you travel outside this region and report any emergencies to us immediately for us to be able to confirm cover and reimburse your costs promptly when you return.
Does my cover include extra services like dental and optical cover?
Yes as an outpatient benefit