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Emmanuel Masanche Emmanuel Masanche's picture
Symptoms Of An Infectious Disease Like Tuberculosis

About a year ago I traveled through the High Desert in CA and then to Sedona and Phoenix, AZ. One morning while in Phoenix I woke up with a weird rash on my chin, it was several symmetrical dots lined up in a square pattern as if I had fallen asleep on some kind of patterned fabric but the rash was raised and stuck around for a few days. It may be worth mentioning that I did notice swollen lymph nodes in my armpits shortly before I left but my doctor said it was nothing to worry about. Those same lymph nodes are still swollen today.I then started vomiting very frequently and getting really bad night sweats. After many different tests (CT, Gastro dumping, etc...) I was told that I would just have to live with the vomiting and was put on Marinol to try and control it a little bit. I still vomit about every other day and have night sweats every night (Even though I turn down the heater to 60 at night).About 5 weeks ago I came down with severe flu like symptoms. No treatment was given

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