Certification in Control Self-Assessment® (CCSA®)
Earning a professional credential from The IIA is the best way to demonstrate your commitment to advancing in this competitive niche and communicating your breadth of knowledge.
Be poised to drive organizational change with a Certification in Control Self-Assessment®. This designation makes a statement to executives and your colleagues about your knowledge of CSA fundamentals, processes, and related topics such as risk, controls, and business objectives.
The CCSA exam is offered in the following languages: Chinese (Traditional), English, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish.
Computer-based Testing
The CCSA exam is available through computer-based testing, allowing you to test year-round at more than 500 locations worldwide. Candidates are able to sit for exams at any IIA-authorized Pearson VUE testing center worldwide, regardless of whether the testing center is located in your hometown or country. To locate the testing centers nearest you, visit the Pearson VUE website. You must apply and register in The IIA's Certification Candidate Management System (CCMS) prior to scheduling an exam.