James Gondwe, an ex-miner who worked for Bayeta mining company for 12 years as a contractor, was screened for TB through the door to door screening activities in one of the sentinel site in Chililabombwe district of the Copper belt province. James lives in B Section, mine area where large numbers of ex-miners reside.
James recalled as he was sharing his story that ‘’one day as I was home, Field officer Francis Ponde from DAPP/TIMS Zambia, visited my home as he was doing his door to door screening. He explained a lot about TB, signs and symptoms of which I learnt a lot as he took me through on TB and HIV health education. As we continued to learn from him, after which I was found with TB like symptoms and in the process I admitted to having been feeling unwell for the past one year and seeing no improvements after attending the nearby health facility on various occasions. Therefore, I went for silicosis screening and they told me I had lung problem.’’
James further reported that he was luck that the field officer again visited his home during his usual door to door screening activities conducted in the communities. The field officer requested me to submit sputum for examination after explaining a lot about TB, signs and symptoms. James explained everything about his health, and upon finishing the discussion with the field officer, he facilitated the collection of sputum which led to a diagnostic of TB as the results were positive.
Therefore, James Gondwe began his treatment in August 2017. Everyone in the household was screened as close contacts and a 4 year old son was put on Isoniazid Preventive Treatment (IPT). James reported that he was not shy taking his medication even at work. He further reported that he would take his medication in the presence of people. James has been encouraging people when he goes to the clinic. He provides health talks about TB, which can be cured completely if one adhered to medication and completed the treatment.
James took the second sputum to the clinic and it was pleasing that there were a signs of improvement and the health staff recommended the change of medication according to the treatment regime. His health has greatly improved now and at the time of reporting he was in the last month of treatment. He is scheduled to complete his treatment on the 14th of February, 2018. “I thank DAPP/TIMS for the wonderful work they are doing in different communities” James stated.
The TIMS programme has had an impact in mining communities as the project is taking services to the community and they make it easier for the people in the community to make informed decision concerning their health especially on tuberculosis.